Badger Watch

Walking from De Broukere towards Boeurs after part two of my weekend filmfest, I noticed two large mean looking dudes baring in on a wee slip of a lass a bit further down the street. Thinking that something was amiss I watched proceedings to see what developed. It soon became apparent that the girl in question wasn't happy with the two hemming her in to stop her progress. A quick look around showed that for once there wasn't a cop in site, so I continued to watch with the thought that if things deteriorated I might have to go Clive Owen on their ass. Fortunately she eventually managed to barge past the two potential miscreants vanished in the direction of Gare De Nord.

With their badgering of the lady, I think like Mr Owen I can state that I'm not afraid of badgers. Unlike this estimible actor however, I think I'll wrap up the weekends blogging with a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.


Löst Jimmy said…
Well done on the Chivalry George

However were you referring to Clive Owen as Dwight McCarthy ala Sin City or the limp Owen from Duplicity?

Dwight McCarthy would have them on their toes

Seriously though well done for keeping an eye out for that lady

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