And all I am is wired

I just watched 5 hours of season one of the HBO show The Wire back to back. A damn fine series. The Wire has got to be in the running for greatest TV show ever.

The show has the texture and pacing of a novel and is set in the city of Baltimore. Reaching levels of realism never seen before in a cop show (a lot of the actors actually came from the streets) it knocks programs like The Sopranos into a cocked hat.

Each season focuses on a different aspect of urban life. Season 1 focuses on the battle between the police and the pushers, Season 2 the plight blue-collar workers, Season 3 the political scene, Season 4 the school system and in the fifth and final season the press.

With brilliant acting, storyline and characterisation, it is as much a social commentary as a cop show. All in all the show can only be described as a masterpiece. Go watch it.

As an aside, Dominic West who plays McNulty, was born in Sheffield.


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