Todays video is brought to you by the letter 'B'.

Brighton seems to be a musical Mecca in Britain at the moment. Brakes, British Sea Power and one of my favorite bands of the moment, Bat for Lashes. They do like the letter 'B' in Brighton. Check out this video of the band from the David Letterman show.

Natasha Khan has a great voice and Two Suns is a great album.


Löst Jimmy said…
I enjoy tuning in to your blog George precisely because you highlight stuff that otherwise I would never hear of, let alone hear!
That is because I am stuck on musical rails ('Hot Rails To Hell') often oblivious to other stuff.
Well done!
George Ternent said…
I'm currently working my way through the alternative folk / experimental catalogue and there's some decidedly weird stuff out there. I'm just listening to the latest album from the Dirty Projectors, a band who colaborated recently with David Byrne, and that's a tad out there.

The latest album from Bonnie Prince Billy was quite good and the 2 I purchased by The Animal Collective, "Spirit They're Gone, They're Vanished","Manitee" and "Prospect Hummer" were right off the whacko-ometer. The sort of stuff that makes Hawkwind's 1st album seen mainstream.

It's great to get my appetite for music back again and nice to see new bands prepared to do something different and push the envelope.

I'll have to blog a review of the best of the new stuff some time.

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