Pope Benedict condoms anyone?

So, the Vatican's response to a recent Foreign Office memo regarding his visit is "One has to question whether the action taken is enough.". Is that the same pope who, when a cardinal heading the Vatican office dealing with sex abuses, did not respond to letters from an archbishop regarding a case of a priest thought to have abused some 200 deaf boys? Yes, one has to question whether the action taken was enough. The memo suggested that the pope should officiate over a gay wedding. As Benedict, has stated in the past that homosexuality is an intrinsic moral evil , that would show a tolerance for other people's beliefs which would be commendable. As to the idea of a Benedict condom, brilliant idea, they should ship them to Africa where thousands die of AIDS each year, following the churches misplaced guidelines on birth control. Benedict XVI was heavily criticised after saying that condoms "aggravate" the spread of the disease. Britain's leading medical jo...