The Dodos turning Trix in Antwerp

The night began with a detour in the direction of a Rockabilly gig which happened to be playing the same venue that night. The nice chap on the door for this quifftastic event took us to a lift which carried us to the first floor and a rendezvous with the Dodos. "Hi y'all" I drawled to the man at the desk "is this the rockabilly concert?". After being told no, I pointed out that I was only joshing and settled down to a pre-gig beer. It's great when you go to see a band and find that a support act are exceptional too. Thus was the case last Saturday night. The Dodos as expected rocked, the surprise in this little kinder egg of a concert were Megafaun . This bearded threesome from Wisconcin sound a bit like the Fleet Foxes on acid, which is no bad thing. Lumbering around like a group of musical Bigfoot, these guys really rocked the house in a moonshine swilling stomping sort of way. I'm listening to their debut album, Gather, Form & Fly at the moment a...