Dave Holland Quintet at Ancienne Belgique

After a pre-concert beer at the Bizon, we made our way to that most venerable 0f venues Ancienne Belgique. Dave Holland and has cats came on stage and let loose a barrage of top drawer fusion jazz. Riffs interchanged, diverged and converged with Dave's base providing a permanent axis the others could play off. Moments of playfulness with the drummer dropping beats with the others filling in the aural gaps. Moments of melancholy, moments of joy and moments of beauty filled the quintet's soundscape. Listening to this band was like taking a walk in a strange land. Strange, but somehow familiar shapes move through the aural murk, opening doors of perception on a sonic world that it was a pleasure to share, if only for a little while.

After the gig it was off to Bizon for more Rochefort 8 and an encounter with another Dave, who may be jamming their next Monday night.

Groovy !!!


Löst Jimmy said…
I've really been enjoying the recent posts George

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